
LHere I will share all the tools of the trade that I can I recommend without any second thoughts. Each and every one of the books and tools have been tested by me and proved their value in the long run.

Most Recommended Books

Financial growth:

Think and grow rich; Still relevant up to this day, this book has thought me to build the right mindset towards achievement and success. It also has an interesting perspective on failure and has in common to world’s most successful people.

The milliner next door: As an avid reader of personal development books and striving to build my own business it is super interesting to encounter with self-made millionaires and learns more about their mindset. This book has definitely changed the way that I look at self-made millionaires. In one phrase, they are completely different from what you think and what you are used to seeing on social media nowadays.

Rich Dad Poor Dad: One of the classics. Here you will learn about the deferent mentality of a rich dad and poor dad. What are the differences in good and bad debt and how to leverage your income.

Your money or your life: Our consumption culture in going out of hand. We want more and more and there is no end to it. In this interesting book, you will have a different perspective on the stuff you buy. In general, it teaches you to convert time to money and understand how much time you’ve spent trying to achieve another shiny object that you are going to forget in a very short time.


Eat that frog; One of the best books about time management. How to identify your M.I.T and start your day by doing the most important task first.

4-hour book; One of the top 5 books about success and leaving a life of balance. How to use the 80\20 principle to stop working hard and start working smart!

7 habits of highly effective people: What are the habits of super successful and productive people? A very easy to follow the methodology that will teach you how to build the right “To Do” list.

Personal growth:

Awake the giant within One of my favorite books about personal development coming from an all-star life coach, Anthony Robbins.

The Alchemist: A wise tell with a powerful life lesson on how to be grateful to what you already have and living the moment.

Unfu#k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Life; I really liked this book, in a very simple and straight forward writing the author talks about how not to give a Fu#k about what other people think and start doing what you believe in.

Who moved my cheese: We are living in a super dynamic world and this book keeps reminding me about how important it is to always be on the lookout with your running shoes at hand and be ready to get out of your comfort zone.


Iwritier– If you need content for your website, I strongly recommend Iwriter. They have different price floors to fit your need. Thought I write the content my self, it is super helpful to have those guys helping me with proofreading and researching.

Freelancer – My go-to place for hiring freelancers for my projects. Though there are a lot of newbies out there, you can still find some very cost effective professional to help you with anything ranges from marketing, building websites, content, SEO and much more. Using this link will grad you with $20 to spend on your next project.

Fivver – Nice and cost-effective gigs that range from $5. Though most of them are now higher than five, still, you can find some really nice freelancers with a very cost-effective price tag. Use my link and receive 20% off of your first order.


Word press: The best platform to build your blog. Almost 60% of the blogs out there (including Domore4youlife) are built with WP.

Bluehost; Where I host this blog and all of my other sites. I think they have the best value for money for both beginners and intermediate bloggers.

Trello; A free CRM where I keep track on my progress and assign tasks to my freelancers. Super handy, very UX friendly and most importantly; Free!

Google Drive – The best cloud-based storage solution out there. Replaces all the Microsoft costly tools like word, excel, power point and much more.

Grammarly: A proofreading tool, probably the best out there. Fixing my typos and helping me to avoid impressing spelling mistakes.